Social and Emotional Learning

 We see Social and Emotional Learning as the foundation for all learning in Year 6! We need to develop the 5 competencies in each one of us to achieve our full potential within our learning in all areas of the curriculum.

We will start the year by revising our understanding of the 5 S.E.L competencies.  In addition to this, we will look at the 'Values for Australian Education' and 'Positive Mindsets', to develop our senior school pledge and class motto for the year.  This will form the basis for the way we work and learn and the interactions/relationships with have with others.

As we reach the middle of term 1, we will continue to look more deeply into character strengths and values by identifying them and defining them in others first.  
Below are links to 'Inspiring People' with special character strengths and values.

Derek Rabelo - blind professional surfer


  1. Hi guys I was browsing around on the blog and I couldn't find the question for the videos above. I was wonder if you can help me.

    1. Hi Dan. Maybe write 5 qualities then explain why. I think this is what we have to.

    2. I am pretty sure it was, What values they have and there qualities. And you explain why you think it is. If not check the home learning tab.

  2. It is on the home learning page:)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
