This is 'the' page to go to every day. This page will give you the information and directions you need to complete home learning tasks.
Home learning tasks are designed to support the learning that's already happening at school. You will have the opportunity to work on a range of home learning tasks and they will need to be completed in a range of time frames.Check out this page daily and remember that home learning is just as much about organisation, time management and responsibility as it is completing the tasks!
Term 4 Week 6
Mathematics:Complete the sheet on percentage discounts.
Due Monday 20th November, 2017
People of Justice Posters. Complete your poster on your chosen person. This means that it is ready for submission. (No printing, gluing cutting etc.. on the morning)
Due Monday 20th November, 2017
Personal Development:
Complete the Puberty Venn diagram. You may need to do this with a parent to discuss some key changes in puberty or answer any questions you may have. Sort the statements about puberty into changes for boys, girls or both.
Due Tuesday 21st November, 2017
Complete one of the percentage discount questions on the board which you recorded in your book.
Due Wednesday 15th Nov. 2017
Religion: People of Justice Poster
Complete the poster ready for display.
Due Monday 20th Nov. 2017
Term 4 week 5
Inquiry Genius Hour:
Complete Genius Hour Proposal on google form.
Due Monday 13th November, 2017
Personal Development:
Complete Genius Hour Proposal on google form.
Due Monday 13th November, 2017
Personal Development:
Bring a picture or google image of:
- a person you admire (look up to and respect for what they stand for... their values/beliefs/actions)
- a picture of yourself
- a picture of someone who loves you unconditionally.
Due Friday 10th November, 2017
Term 4 Week 4
Literacy Writing:
Make sure that you have selected a topic for your Discussion writing piece. Record it on the shared doc. called 'Discussion Text Topics'You will need to start planning and reseraching the required evidence for your writing piece.
Remember that research and evidence is only useful if you can understand it so ensure that you are accessing websites aimed at children your age especially if you have a challenging topic.
Due Thursday 9th November
Literacy: Reading Response Tasks
If you are required to repeat your RRT you must do so by Friday 3rd November, 2017
Literacy: Writing
Publish your descriptive writing snapshot from the scene in movie, 'Lion'.
Present it creatively using google docs including image/s etc... to illustrate the mood of your writing piece.
Checklist this and include it as a piece in your Writer's Gift.
Due Wednesday 8th November, 2017
Term 4 Week 3
Inquiry: From the video and your own personal opinion, what are the pros and cons of the proposed changes to the Australian Citizenship test?
BTN Link
Answer in your Inquiry Books. You can make a T chart for Pros and Cons. Use point form.
Due Friday 27 October, 2017
Term 4 Week 1:
Literacy: Listen to the first 10 minutes of the Socrtaic Circles discussion.
Respond to the following questions.
- How many times did I participate in the discussion?
- What level of response did I receive from others in the discussion?
- How effective was my participation in promoting deep discussion?
Write a personal speaking and listening goal based on your performance in the Socratic circles discussion.
Due Tuesday 17th October, 2017
Term 3 Week 9:
Inquiry: Respond to the text 'Rejected by the Country the fought for' -
Complete the 4 way table on the sheet provided then glue it into your Inquiry Book. Also cut out and glue the pictures of indigenous soldiers in your book.
Due Tuesday 19th September, 2017
Inquiry: Read the text, 'Rejected by the Country the fought for' - Highlight unfamiliar words and underline key information.
Due Friday 15th September, 2017
Complete the 4 way table on the sheet provided then glue it into your Inquiry Book. Also cut out and glue the pictures of indigenous soldiers in your book.
Due Tuesday 19th September, 2017
Inquiry: Read the text, 'Rejected by the Country the fought for' - Highlight unfamiliar words and underline key information.
Due Friday 15th September, 2017
Algebra Sheet. Back and front.
Due Monday 11th September, 2017
Literacy Pers. text: Golliwog Dolls: Al plans and composing and recording of your writing is due
Thursday 14th September, 2017
Term Week 8:
''I Have a Dream....." Watch the famous speech from Dr Martin Luther King. Note the style of the speech and the use of repetition.
Write your own 'I have dream...' speech. Think about what is important to you and what you wish for in the world you live in. This is a personal response in the style of the speech by Martin Luther King.
Due Monday, 11th September, 2017
Term 3 Week 7
Politically Incorrect? Read the following article from the Sydney Morning Herald (Click link)Write your personal response to the article. Do you think it is politically incorrect and insensitive? Give reasons and explain why.
Do on a google doc. This could be a text response that could also be included in your Writer's Gift. Think about how you can make it a powerful and persuasive piece.
Due Tuesday 5th September, 2017
Literacy: Complete the reflection about an aspect of your learning in the past few weeks.
Think about the themes covered; slavery, segregation, power, critical literacy and political correctness.
Draw or write about an importnat aspect of your learning. Something that had changed your thinkning and made an impact on you personally.
It can be a drawing, symbol or even a word to represent this leanring.
Make sure you explain what it means. Do this in your INQUIRY BOOK.
Due Tuesday 29th August, 2017
Complete the responses in your Inquiry Book and create your own DVD cover for the movie considering what you have learnt about segregation.
Due Wednesday 6th September, 2017
Term 3 Week 6
Maths: Complete the following algebraic scenarios.
Show all working our in your maths book.
Show all working our in your maths book.
Real Life exercise: Write the expression for:
I drop some eggs coming home from shopping. If I broke 7 eggs and had 5 left in the carton how many eggs did I start with?
X - 7 =5 solve for x
15 students went home from camp with food poisoning. If 32 students were left at camp what is the total number of students who attended the camp?
Write the expression and solve.
Due Monday 28th August, 2017
Term 3 Week 5
Reading- Blue Group:
Write a reflection and response to the following: ' Ada's and Susan's relationship has changed. How has it changed and what do Ada and Susan need to do to improve their relationship?
Respond by Wednesday 23rd, August, 2017
TERM 3 Week 4
Writing: All writing pieces have now been given the go ahead to publish and print. If you cannot print at home, prepare your publication at home and print tomorrow morning.
DUE Friday 11th August, 2017
TERM 3 Week 3
Maths: Complete the formal algorithm to the problem started in class. We already did the estimation strategy.
Due Tuesday 1st August, 2017
Religion: Research the 'when?' and 'where?' of the early christian church. When did the early christian church begin to form and where did this take place?
Due Wednesday, 2nd August, 2017
TERM 3 Week 2
Writing: All writing pieces need to be typed on google docs. Try and have your writing revised by a family member and yourself if you haven't already done so.
Due Monday 31st, July, 2017
Maths: Complete your tessellation commenced during the Maths lesson. Use colour to enhance the visual effect of your tessellation.
Due Monday 31st, July, 2017
SEL: Choose a positive mindset that connects with you. How will you use it throughout the week. You will be required to discuss how successful you were in achieving this positive mindset throughout the previous week at the next class meeting.
Due Monday 31st July, 2017
Maths: Complete your tessellation commenced during the Maths lesson. Use colour to enhance the visual effect of your tessellation.
Due Thursday 27th July.
Reading Grp - Red: Visualise and draw wher Billy Jo and her family live. Write a brief description of your picture. Use appropriate art materials to capture the feel and emotion of life in the 'Dust Bowl'.
Due 28 July, 2017.
Note: Read up to Winter 1935 for next weeks group discussion
TERM 3 Week 1
Maths: Complete the sheet on 3D objects, Cut them out and create a new table on the A3 sheet as the one given as an example.
Due 21 July, 2017.
To start the term there are a few activities that we need you all to contribute in some way.
1. We have shared the document for Concert Preparation and would like you to add images and song ideas for the concert.
2. We have Reading Response Tasks document shared for you to add ideas on different ways you would like to respond to your home reading other than a journal entry.
3. You will also need to allocate yourself to a Current Affair time slot on the roster also shared with everyone.
Please do this tonight and tomorrow so we can commence these tasks as soon as possible.
1. We have shared the document for Concert Preparation and would like you to add images and song ideas for the concert.
2. We have Reading Response Tasks document shared for you to add ideas on different ways you would like to respond to your home reading other than a journal entry.
3. You will also need to allocate yourself to a Current Affair time slot on the roster also shared with everyone.
Please do this tonight and tomorrow so we can commence these tasks as soon as possible.
TERM 2 Week 10:
Inquiry: Complete your Positive, Minus and Interesting Chart for your chosen era of food production. You can do this using the 3 -2-1 method. That is, 3 positives, 2 minuses, 1 interesting thing.
Due Friday 23rd June.
Due Friday 23rd June.
Writing: Use the picture stimulus to brainstorm ideas about the picture. Use key words.
Next, come up with 2 or 3 possible broad narrative writing ideas.
Choose one of those ideas and do a detailed plan using the planning scaffold sheet provided. Here, you will need to plan all the parts to your narrative using point form and key words.
Due Thursday 22nd June
Inquiry: Record at least 5 key vocabulary from the slideshow presentation about your era of food production. Define the words within the term individually and in your own words, construct a definition to explain what the term means.
Due Wednesday 21 June.
Term 2 Week 9:
Literacy: Infographics - Research information related to your question. Your first resource and research notes need to be completed for home learning. Use the proforma for research notes shared with you as a google doc.
Due Thursday 15th June, 2017
NOTE: By Monday 19th June, you should have at least 2 or 3 sources of information recorded in your Research Proforma document. You should be ready to move to the next stage of your portfolio which is the design and layout of your infographic.
Term 2 Week 8:
Religion: In your Religion books, please record the main points from your discussion with a family member about the gifts and fruits you demonstrate. Be sure to talk about how you specifically demonstrate these gifts and fruits. Where and when do you demonstrate them?
Due Thursday 8th June, 2017
We will then have time in class to create a slide based on what your gifts and fruits of the Spirit.
Term 2 Week 7:
Analysing Food Nutrition Labels: Select a favourite snack or packaged food. Cut out the label and glue it into your Inquiry book.
Carefully look at the nutrition label and what information you can get from it.
Complete the following sentences.
- Something interesting I discovered is....
- Something important to know is....
- Something I will change...
Due Thursday 1 June, 2017
Digital Learning Portfolios: By this stage you should have at least 2 entries for term 1 and 3 entries for term 2.
These need to be completed by Thursday 1st June, 2017.
Term 2 Week 6:
Reading Journals: You will need to start your reading journal entry in preparation for week 7.
Inquiry: Complete the Connect, Extend, Challenge reflection on the video about Food safety in Senegal.
Due Wednesday 24th May, 2017
Term 2 Week 5:
St Biographies: All biographies need to be revised and ready for printing for tomorrow. Please email me to let me know when they are ready. Please make sure that you have checked your work carefully.
Due Tuesday 16th May, 2017
Term 2 Week 4:
Food Handling Online Course:
Complete the assessment and email me the certificate when you have successfully completed it.
Due Friday 12th May, 2017
Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit:
Complete the 4 sections in researching your group's chosen fruit or gift of the Holy Spirit.
You can copy the 4 part table and complete as a group on a shared doc.
This needs to be done by Friday 12th May.
Saint Biography: continue researching information on your chosen saint.
You will need to have at least one source of information referenced and notes taken. If you are ready to take notes on a 2nd or 3rd source of information then you can go ahead. Make sure you reference it clearly.
When referencing a...
Book: give the title, author and the year it was published
Website: give the name of the website and the link
Card: state that its a fact card on St...... - school resource
Due Thursday 11th May, 2017
Digital Learning Portfolio: Start your term 2 entries with an journal entry about your learning during camp.
Due Tuesday 9th May, 2017
Term 2 Week 3:
Literacy: Reread the biography on Mary MacKillop. Annotate on the sheet the structures and features of a biography as discussed in class.
Due Thursday 4th May
Maths: Area Sheet 5: Please complete the task sheet by Tuesday 2nd May.
Writer's Notebook: Anzac seed idea: brainstorm and possible writing ideas must have been completed at this stage. Select one of your writing ideas and begin your plan.
Due Tuesday 2nd May, 2017
Term 2 Week 1:
Digital Learning Portfolio: Start your D.L.P with 2 entries for term 1. The template slides have been shared with you. Make a copy and rename it. Move the file into your own personal folder.
Remember the focus of your DLP is to share the learning behind the experience. What did you learn? What challenged you? What do you need/want to learn next?
Due Wednesday 26th April.
Maths: Compete area worksheets. Show working out on the back.
Due Friday 21st April
Term 1 Week 9:
Maths: Compete area and perimeter worksheets. Back and front.
Due Thursday 30th March.
Term 1 Week 8:
Maths: Complete the Area and Perimeter of a square worksheet. Due Friday 24th March, 2017
Term 1 Week 7:
Harmony Day Presentations
(Note -Students prepare this as a home-learning activity)
Google slide for each student focusing on one or more of the following questions/ aspects.
-What is a part of your culture that is important to you? (Traditions, artefact, religious faith, family members….)
-How does it shape the person you are/your identity? (How is your culture evident in your life, the way you live, the person you are?)
- Recount a story that is relevant to your family’s cultural background and history. (a significant event such as a story of migration, celebrations, key experiences in Australia etc…)Due Tuesday 21st March, 2017
Inquiry: View the following resource called 'Adaptations and Survival' The link is on the Resources tab of the blog.
Research your own 'MARINE' living thing and find out about its significant adaptations to help it survive in its environment.
Draw a labelled diagram or label a picture of the animal showing the adaptations both physical and behavioural. Do this on an A3 poster paper.
Due Monday 20th March, 2017
Term 1 Week 6:
Religion: Define and explain stewardship by finding a picture, song, story, article etc… that demonstrates stewardship. Explain how and why your example shows stewradship. (Use slides presentation to collate whole class responses)
Due 15th March, 2017
Maths: Complete the Metric Unit Conversion Practise sheet.
Due Thursday 9th March, 2017
SEL: Complete the task 'Values in role models' Due Friday 10th March
Literacy/Writing: Bring a writer's seed for your Writer's notebook. Thursday 9th March
Literacy/Writing: Make a front cover for your Writer's Gift folders. You can use google docs or google slides - portrait page.
eg. Bongo's Writer's Gift 2017.
Due Thursday 9th, March
NOTE: extended to Tuesday 14th March
Term 1 Week 5
Religion: Draw your image of God after the discussion we have had about the meaning of the scripture passage,
'God created humankind in his image.'
Don't forget the caption/explanation of your first image and then your second image. Use these sentence starters.
'My image of God shows....
'My new image of God shows.....
Due Wednesday 1st March, 2017
S.E.L: Choose one of the clips on the S.E.L tab on the blog. Watch the clip and answer this question.
What strengths or qualities does this person possess? Why?
Due Friday 3rd March, 2017
- Watch the song clip: Stewards of Creation - Michael Jackson. How does it illustrate our role as stewards of God’s creation? (our responsibilities in caring for life and all creation)
- Students write a personal statement in response to the big question: What role do we/you play in ‘Creation’?
Please complete this in your Religion book.
Due Monday 6th March, 2017
Term 1 Week 4
Inquiry: Watch the video, Natural Selection Made Easy, again that we discussed at school. (The link is on the resources page under Inquiry.)
Complete the Reflection Remote and glue it into your Inquiry book.
Due Tuesday 28th February
Term 1 Week 3
Religion: Complete Venn diagram comparing creation stories. Use Bible gateway website to reread the Hebrew creation story.
Due Wednesday 15th February, 2017
Religion: Complete the task based on Genesis 1: 26-27. Define what the words dominion and subdue mean in the passage.
Due Monday 20th February, 2017
Maths: If you haven't done so, complete Question. 1 of the maths task sheet multiplying and dividing by powers of 10.
Due Thursday 16th February, 2017
Guys can you tell me when the Micheal Jackson video is due.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the link of the harmony video ?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what we need to do for the religion homework??
ReplyDeleteWe write what fruits and gifts we have then give an example in our day to day life, then give another example but detailed for both. You ask your parents the same questions. Do it on a google slide and you can use more than one slide.
DeleteHey guys do you know what was due tomorrow