Thursday, 14 December 2017

Adventure Park Reminder

On Monday we will be having a well deserved break at Adventure Park in Geelong.

You will need:

  • casual clothes
  • bathers
  • thongs
  • towel
  • plastic bag to put wet bathers in 
  • suncream
  • recess snack and lunch (if you wish)
  • Money to buy lunch or an ice-cream IF YOU CHOOSE TO ONLY  Note: it can be busy and quite expensive. (It may be around $10 for a basic lunch.
  • asthmatics bring byo puffer  please
Cameras are to be brought only at your own risk.  It is not recommended as it is a wet area. 

We will be boarding the bus at 8.45 am so don't be late. 

I will try to answer any questions you have if you email me.


Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Family Night: Mathematics and Literacy Transition Session

Thank you to all the families who attended the family night. Some parents requested the powerpoint used during the presentation.

Below is the link to the powerpoint used by Helen.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Year 5/6 First Aid Course

I Today the year 5 and 6 students participated in a first aid course run by Life Saving Victoria.  The students had the opportunity to learn about and practise basic life saving procedures using DRSABCD.

It was a great way to introduce our students to basic emergency situations and what to do to protect their safety and ensure the safety of others.

Thanks to Sash and Jess for running the course. 

Thursday, 19 October 2017

St Theresa's Feast Day

Just a reminder to all that tomorrow is St Theresa's Feast Day and as we will have tabloid sports rotations after mass with MoG studnets, you CAN wear SPORTS UNIFORM tomorrow.


Sunday, 15 October 2017

Year 7 Transition Day Activities - Excursion

Hi everyone,
Hoping you have all enjoyed a beautiful sunny weekend.

Just a reminder that tomorrow we will be walking to Our Lady's PS and will leave before 9am.

You will need to wear your sports uniform. Shorts may be an idea as it looks as though it will be 26 degrees.

Recess snack and lunch to be brought in a small back pack. (Not School bag) Some of you may wish to place your lunch together with a friend so we reduce the amount we carry especially since we're walking.

DON'T FORGET HATS. We will have suncream handy also.

That should cover it. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.


Monday, 18 September 2017

Visit and Talk from Chin Community Leader

Today we had the opportunity to meet and listen to Andrew who has been the leader of the Chin refugee community from Burma. He spoke strongly about the need for respect and equality of all people including minority groups.  This connected well with the learning that has taken place in Year 6 throughout the term with the African American civil rights movement and the Australian indigenous Freedom rides in the 1960's.

Andrew spoke briefly about the recent history of Burma and what led to the changes in Burma and the refugees fleeing their country.  He spoke about the challenges and difficulties his people face as refugees in Malaysia.  

Thank you to Laurie for organising the visit and supporting our learning. 

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Ivan's confirmation

Today we were privileged to celebrate Ivan's confirmation. Bishop Mark Edwards presided over the celebration and together with Father Barry made it a special and warm celebration with family and friends.  
Ivan and his friends in year 6 enjoyed themselves as the celebration continued in the multipurpose room. It was really a special occasion and we are looking forward to seeing Ivan again as we all move towards our graduation preparation and celebrations.   

Thank you to everyone involved for making it such a special celebration. 

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Ivan's Confirmation

If you are interested in preparing an aspect of Ivan's Confirmation please let me know on the google doc I have shared with you.

Your input in the celebration will be much appreciated by everyone.


Monday, 7 August 2017

St Aloysius Musical - Excursion

Just a friendly reminder to all families that they need to indicate through Caremonkey, whether their child has permission to go on the excursion tomorrow to St Aloysius.
Unfortunately, we cannot take any students who do not have permission to attend.

Could all families please complete the caremonkey permission request sent last Friday.

Thanks in advance.


PS: Please bring your recess snack and lunch in either a small backpack or plastic bag. We will have recess snack before the show and lunch during an intermission. 

Monday, 31 July 2017

A Special Visit

Today we had a special visit from our old friend Ivan Brekalo. It was great to see him again and for Ivan to have the chance to catch up with some of his old friends. We talked 'footy' and some of the old memories with Ivan.
We look forward to seeing Ivan again soon. Thank you to Enja for orgaising the visit with Marie. it was a special moment for all.


Sunday, 16 July 2017

Home learning Reminder

To start the term there are a few activities that we need you all to contribute in some way.

1. We have shared the document for Concert Preparation and would like you to add images and song ideas for the concert.

2. We have Reading Response Tasks document shared for you to add ideas on different ways you would like to respond to your home reading other than a journal entry.

3. You will also need to allocate yourself to a Current Affair time slot on the roster also shared with everyone.

Please do this tonight and tomorrow so we can commence these tasks as soon as possible.

Thanks everyone.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Inquiry Books Term 2

Hi everyone,
Everyone is expected to take home their Inquiry book showing the work they did during term 2. Parents are welcome to write a comment and sign the letter explaining the Inquiry question and learning intentions.
Please talk about the learning that took place and some of the key learning experiences throughout the term.
Return your Inquiry Books at the beginning of term 3.

Have a great break.


Yearbook - Look Into The Future

Hi everybody, please bring your clothes for the Look Into The Future yearbook page. You have to bring clothes of your future job. Eg. If you want to be a Businessman you have to bring a suit in a plastic bag, if you forgot what you want to be please look below. Bring your clothes on the start of term 3 which is 18/7/2017, Thank you.

-Rudra and Mason

Link to doc:

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Food Handling Certificates

Hi everyone,
An idea I have is to include your Food Handling certificates as part of your Inquiry Book work samples. Could you please make sure that you have them at school tomorrow and glue them into you Inquiry book.

Most of you have them in your plastic folders but just in case you took them home, please bring them back to school tomorrow.



Thursday, 22 June 2017

Yearbook Photos Required

Attention all Year 6 students, we require your Grade Prep photos to add to the 2017 yearbook 'Then and Now' page. You can provide these to us by hand, or digitally via email. Please have a look over the holidays and try to have them to us by the first week of Term 3.

Nahum, Bettina and Cherrylou.

Year 5/6 Bee Bot Expo

We made bee-bot mats for the younger kids so that they can learn how to code when they are older.
The bee-bots are for them so that they can learn how to work together and cooperate with the older kids. We did this activity because we wanted to teach the smaller kids how to code so that they can learn it for the future. Everyone had enjoyed making the game mats and playing with the bee-bots. We found this activity a bit hard because we had to communicate and negotiate with each other but we all had amazing ideas to share. We spent a lot of time making this activity. Even though it was the end even though it was hard it was worth it.

On behalf of Oliver, Antonia and Gabriel.

Group 1 -My Lunch Box Rules

On Tuesday, group 1 prepared to cook for group 4 in the 'My Lunch Box Rules' Inquiry Project. Our group included, Maya, Charlotte, Victoria, Khanh, Nahum and Peter. We cooked burgers with a side of chips and salad. We think this experience showed us that working with different people can bring new ideas to the team. The main thing we learnt was the importance of following the planned schedule and the need for time management and organisation.

Maya and Nahum on behalf of Group 1

Bee Bot Mats

The year 5/6 students have completed their Bee Bot Game Mats.  They designed educational game mats for our junior school students to play using Bee Bots which they can programme to complete the course. Each of the mats has instructions on how to play and the objective of the game.
Today they tested their game mats and all groups were more than happy with their efforts.

Well done! 

Monday, 12 June 2017

Reminder about Photos

Hi everyone,
Just a reminder that tomorrow is photo day. Please wear your full winter uniform. The Grade 6 Graduation bomber jackets will not be worn in the photo as mentioned by Rob.  You can obviously wear it to school but just not in the photo.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

School Photo Day

Hi everyone,
Just a reminder that next week on Wednesday 14th June is school photo day. Please make sure that you wear your full school uniform.


Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Home - School Links

Support your child’s learning — at home!
You want to help your child develop their literacy and numeracy skills, but working out how can be tricky. How do you find activities that reinforce and build on the concepts and skills your child will encounter in the classroom?
The answer: this website. Everything here supports the Australian Curriculum for primary school, and is child (and parent) friendly.
Browse by your child’s year level, or search for a topic, and the website will suggest ideas, activities, games and videos you can use to support your child’s learning.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Sacrament of Confirmation

Congratulations to our Year 6 students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday.
It was a special celebration and one to be remembered. All of the students and their families made this a reverent occasion and we are so proud of the
our students and those who came to support them.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Confirmation Reflection Day

Hi everyone,
We will be leaving early on Wednesday morning and will leave school at 8.50 am. This means you will need to be at school by 8.30am. I will be ready and you can enter the classroom.
Just a reminder to bring with you a small back pack with your lunch and drink bottle on Wednesday. The school will provide a morning tea snack and drink.
You will need a pen to write with. Do not bring an oversized pencil case as it will be unnecessary.
If you have any other questions please let me know.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Melbourne Victory Visit

On Tuesday 21st March, the Year 5 and 6 students were privileged to take part in a soccer (football - as we were politely corrected) clinic by players from Melbourne Victory. Organised by Greg Woolford, our family partnerships officer in conjunction with sponsors Barry Plant Real Estate, the clinic was a success despite some drizzle. That wasn't enough to dampen our spirits and the students had an opportunity to get player autographs and learn a few skills along the way.

Thank you Greg for organising this for our students.

Friday, 17 March 2017

Snags and Snorkels

Congratulations to all the Year 5 and 6 students for their work in supporting 'Snags and Snorkels' event at the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary in Williamstown.  There was a great turn out with families from not only St Theresa's but Our Lady's and Mother of God.

There were students past and present enjoying the sunshine and exploring the rock pools with spider crabs abundant and schools of small fish swimming in the shallows.

The event was successful in achieving it's purpose to raise awareness of the marine sanctuary and the importance of looking after our bays.

Thanks to Greg for working closely with our students and helping to promote our idea as well.

St Patrick's Feast Day Mass

It was a pleasure to have our School captains, SRC and Sports Captains represent our school at the St Patrick's Feast Day Mass.
Bill and Charlotte carried the school banner during the opening mass procession among so many schools, both primary and secondary, from all over Melbourne. It was a beautiful mass with an amazing choir and pipe organ.

After mass, we all had lunch at the Treasury Gardens and enjoyed the music showcased by student bangs and groups from various schools.

Congratulations to all of our students who represented St Theresa's with respect and dignity.

Well done!

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Harmony Day March 21st

Here is a short video to get us thinking about Harmony Day and what it's all about. Use this as a way too inspire your own reflection about Harmony Day.

Camp Permission forms on Caremonkey

Another important reminder.
Please ensure that all camp permission forms are completed as soon as possible. We are in the process of organising the final details and need to know the number of students attending.

Thanks everyone.


St Patrick's Day Mass Excursion

Hi everyone,

This is an important reminder to all SRC, sports captains and school captains who will be representing St Theresa's at St Patrick's Cathedral tomorrow.
You need to be at school by 8.30am as we are catching the 8.55am train from Albion station to the city.
Please do not be late.



Monday, 27 February 2017

St Theresa's MKR- Shrove Tuesday Pancake Edition

Today the Year 5 and 6 students participated in our very own version of My Kitchen Rules where teams were required to make pancakes based on 5 key criteria.
Ingredients were supplied and the teams were left to experiment with the best recipe for making the perfect pancake.

Our guest judge was Rob who had the difficult task of critiquing the pancakes. It was a fun experience for all and though some of the pancakes didn't even look like a pancake, Rob's assessment was very positive!

Congratulations to Layne, Juswin, Olivia, Victoria and Dragon for winning the Golden Spatula!

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Prep buddies

Today we had the opportunity to work with our prep buddies as part of the Better Buddies program. Together we created google slides presentations called, 'All About Me!'
It was an opportunity for the buddies to learn more about each other and engage in conversation about one another. It also supported the prep students in developing some of their ICT skills with the use of chrome books.
They had a great time together as the pictures show.